Stone Hill
Weekdays 3-6pm “Work Release” Program
I would love to be able to say I was born behind a microphone, but I was actually born in a hospital. That hospital in Detroit, MI however was practically in the shadow of the golden tower of the Fisher Building and the studios of legacy AM Super Station WJR in Detroit! So, yeah, I was born within reasonable proximity of a microphone. Town to town, up and down the dial, I’ve made my home on the airwaves now for something like 20 years…maybe 30… Who knows? When you’re having as much fun as I do at work it’s easy to lose track of time. The only thing I love more than broadcasting is my family, my kids, my 1968 Chevy Malibu, my dog (when I get around to actually getting a dog) and select portions of my vintage vinyl collection… Oh and my matched set of Technics 1200 direct drive turntables are pretty close too. Still no, I love broadcasting more than them, but only slightly. All that said it’s really not about me. I make it my goal to do whatever I can to let the listeners know every day that the only way I get to be here is because they are out there and their story is much more interesting and important than mine. But that’s mine anyway!
[episode id=306]